Discover your next favorite spirit by joining a club or exploring our bottle shop. Free Shipping on All Orders Over $200 in the Bottle Shop!
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Delivering the Best Stock the Bar Gifting Experience since 2013

Gift hand-picked premium spirits from the world's finest producers to stock the best home bar, including Bourbon, Gin, and more. Elevate that special someone’s at home drinking experience to craft cocktail favorites or to impress guests.

Your Gift Recipient Can Expect:

  • Hand picked full size bottle
  • Bourbon to Gin, Tequila to Rum and more
  • Digital tasting notes 
  • Personalized gift email and certificate
  • Access to our members only bottle shop
  • World class customer service
Bar Gift Options
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How Taster’s Club Gifting Works

Choose Gift Duration

Choose the duration for your recipient to enjoy their Spirit Club experience. We have 6 or 12 month prepaid memberships, a one time 6 pack shipment, or our most popular option is our month to month subscription with an option to cancel at any time.

Personalize Gift Message

Next, write a personalized message so your recipient knows who gave them such a great gift. They’ll receive an email on the date you choose with your message and a personalized welcome certificate explaining their upcoming gift.

Set Delivery Address

Finally, set the delivery address. We deliver to 46 states, so be sure to check out our Map.
PRO TIP: All shipments require an adult signature therefore we recommend using a work address if no one is home during business hours. Shipping Policy.

Stock the Bar Club

Monthly Subscription

Looking for the perfect gift that keeps on giving? Gift our monthly subscription box to the spirit lover in your life. Month after month your gift recipient will receive a full size bottle of curated selections for their home bar shipped straight to their door and learn all about it with our digital 101.

Month to Month Subscription
Auto-Renews Every Month
Cancel Anytime


Per Month Plus Shipping and Handling

Prepaid Membership

Prepay and send a specific number of shipments! Choose from our prepaid options: 6, or 12 months with a one-time payment. No auto-renewal, just all the perks of our monthly Bar subscription box.

6 Months


Shipping Included

12 Months


Shipping Included

Six Bottle Gift Pack

Try our one-time Bar box! Get 6 curated selections in a single shipment. Enjoy all the perks of our monthly subscription in one package. It's the ultimate bar experience, delivered right to the doorstep.

6 Pack


Shipping Included

About the Stock the Bar Club

Your gift recipient will receive curated, full-sized bottles delivered straight to their door every month. Our Curator chooses bottles with unique production styles, aging processes, and barrel finishes, making each bottle an adventure of its own. We even feature bottles that are exclusive to Taster’s Club with limited production and availability, so you know that special someone is tasting something special. If they’re curious about the inspiration behind creating the bottle, check out our Digital 101s, full of the bottle’s story, why we chose it, tasting notes, and cocktail recipes. 

Stock the Bar 101s: Every Spirits Journey Needs a Guide

Your Digital 101 tells the story of why we curated a bottle for you and how to best enjoy it. Here’s what you can expect to find. 

  • The inspiration behind the creation of the bottle
  • How to drink it
  • Cocktail recipes
  • Tasting notes
  • The distillery's story
  • Behind-the-scenes info on production techniques
  • Reviews & Awards

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Dustin Wilsor
Great first bottle

This was my first bottle from tasters club. I’m impressed by the quality of this whiskey, good heat with a hint of nutty sweetness.

Jason Pulse
The Gold Standard

“The TastersClub, Stock the Bar club, is the gold standard, where cost and selection come together every month! Always a high-quality selection at a reasonable cost.”

I recognize integrity and principal TastersClub does by curating great products that may be lesser known only by name, not by quality of their selections.

Although predominantly a bourbon drinker myself, the Stock the Bar club selection has been very well received, and have to say bottle choices have all been highly reviewed selections, very much in line with the monthly cost. I am always looking to find something new or unique, and I have found it with you.

Somewhat skeptical of the products in the beginning, I always research them based on ratings and cost, I greatly value that you do both, not compromising on either.

Thank you TastersClub… you truly are the gold standard!

John Dejonge
Great alcohol

Love the things I got would resubscribe again.

Bottles in Our Bottle Shop

Choose from our previously curated features and one-off bottle selections in various liquor categories. Come in and explore all the tasty possibilities.

Frequently Asked Questions

Let us answer some of our most commonly asked questions.

Welcome to Taster's Club

Are you over the age of 21?


Welcome to Taster's Club

Where are you shipping to?